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Tag Archives: Rape survivor

2014 – A New Thing!



However you saw the new year in, whether it was in your sleep (if you have young kids you are forgiven, if not, lame!) at a raucous party, at an intimate braai (barbecue), at church or in a little town in the Karoo in South Africa with weather so hot, but still around a bonfire with a group of people armed with champagne and chocolate (which is what I did), I really hope this is a great year for you! I know that every year has its challenges but this past one seemed to be an exceptionally challenging one! (Perhaps it comes with the territory of getting older?!) But…. I also had some great experiences and achievements too, which included:

Celebrating my 24th birthday (every day let alone every year of life is so worth celebrating!)

Celebrating my nephew’s first year of life with him (cue…cake and balloons and sticky hands.. lots of them!)

My rapists were sentenced to life imprisonment and the high court trial was FINALLY over!

Being featured in numerous newspapers, articles and interviewed on 3 different radio stations.

Being a guest speaker at many church and corporate events.

Getting a boyfriend, and then un getting a boyfriend.

Dealing with heart break. Again. And overcoming.

Learning what I want and don’t want in relationships.

Discovering how amazing my family is (this I already knew, but I was reminded, yet again)

Exploring our beautiful country whilst on some incredibly wonderful road trips

Passing a big practical Trinity Speech and Drama Licentiate exam.

Moving into a beautiful home in an upbeat albeit quirky suburb.

Colouring my hair red!

Braving going into the townships (informal settlements) of this city and extravagantly loving and caring for some exceptionally precious children.

Meeting many new and amazing people.

Gaining a new record for cappuccino consumption in a day (Currently at 7)

Being granted funding (albeit it a modest amount) from the ECPACC which enabled me to produce, direct and present a documentary series called Lattes and Love in which women could share their stories. ( see )


These are just some of the moments that come to mind. When you reflect back on the year that has past, I hope you learn from the bad, embrace the good and move forward, onwards and upwards! My desire for 2014 is to positively impact the lives of others. My dream is to impart the knowledge and skills I have acquired in my many years of training in the Performing Arts and help others discover their authentic voices and then confidently step out and be all that they were made to be!

I am eternally grateful to the people who have walked closely alongside me in my journey of healing as a gang rape survivor. Now, in turn, it is my wish to help others who have been victims of crime and violence. What a privilege it is to be involved (even if only in a small way) in the restoration of another precious person to their full capacity. To this end, your prayers are most welcome as I have applied for funding (a far larger amount this time!!! I am a fast learner that it is he or should I rather say she who asks, who gets and I was bold with my request this time) for a project of this very nature! I am still awaiting the go-ahead! I promise to let you know as soon as I know the outcome (it will hopefully be soon)

My scripture for the New Year is Isaiah 43:18-19, ’18 “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. 19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.’ See in 2014 He is doing a new thing! I’m not sure what that ‘thing’ is for you in your life. It could be a marriage, a baby, friendships or a new job. Whatever it is- I am excited with you! He is making a way in the desert and waste lands. How amazingly exciting is that?!


The other quote I really love and want to embrace for this new year is: ” Be the one who nurtures and builds. Be the one who has understanding and a forgiving heart. One who looks for the best in people. Leave people better than you found them.” He has crowned this year with His goodness! It’s not to say it is all going it be sparkles and roses. But irrespective of what happens, He is in it. And anything God is in will end amazingly as He promises to use all things for our good. So, I am going to pull my hair back (and not out), set my sights on God and VOW to finish this race…in VICTORY!

Lots of love Cayly.

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Running Solo

Running Solo

Today I went for my first run on MY OWN since my attack. The last time I did that was a few hours before we were kidnapped! Such a sense of accomplishment! I was armed with a glass water bottle and pepperspray both ready to be used as weapons!

So many people take something as simple as running for granted. When your sense of safety is taken away you never quite feel the same again. You have to redefine and work through a lot of things in order to feel safe and function properly again. If people would just understand and be more complementary/encouraging with survivors of abuse- healing and restoration would be so much easier! Acknowledge their braveness behind things that are seemingly small to you but mean huge things to them….like going for a run.

Today I decided to be brave and go for it. Well done to those out there who are facing their fears. No matter how tired people get of hearing it- I will carry on singing of my and God’s victories