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Tag Archives: diary

Time To… Flourish!


Yesterday was a typical hot South African day. Where most sensible people headed off to the beach…no, not I… I felt like doing some retail damage… SO I headed off to the shops with the full intention of walking away with some beautiful (yet highly unneccessary) fashion item to put into my already brimming cupboard. Thankfully common sense prevailed and I resisted the urge to buy what the shops had on offer (seriously, why is every item of clothing lumo or neon right now?!- yuk!)

I did, however, stumble upon a marvelous discovery…I am now the owner of a BEAUTIFUL new diary! It’s not just any old diary with any old 2013 emblazoned across it…it is a well designed, thought provoking and wonderfully inspiring little book. I have an eye for beauty and the pages are brimming with sketches and pretty fonts and creative ideas…

I justified this purchase with the decision that I do need to honour myself and my time and plan my year … (it already has a good number of appointments, speaking invitations and, of course, coffee dates penned in).

Truth be told, the minute I discovered that the theme of this diary was ‘Flourish’, I knew I just HAD to have it! I totally resonate with that! I couldn’t agree more! I am so excited about this year and the adventures and growth that are in store!

I am currently reading a book called ‘The Crowd, The Critic, and the Muse: A Book for creators’, By Michael Gungor. I really feel it’s a season where we need to fearlessly walk in our creative passions!

Gungor says, “Creativity is simply the human brain forming new connections between ideas, and we all are engaged in this process every day. The common idea that there are some creative people who are creative and some who are not is a myth. On some level, we are all artists. We are all creators.”

“Art matters. It is not simply a leisure activity for the privileged or a hobby for the eccentric. It is a practical good for the world. The work of the artist is an expression of hope – it is a homage to the value of human life, and it is vital to society. Art is a sacred expression of human creativity that shares the same ontological ground as all human work. Art, along with all work is the ordering of creation toward the intention of the Creator”

Michael Gungor and his wife form one of my favourite music groups, Gungor. They capture the essence of beauty and music and creation all in a melodic paradise! Their lyrics are deep and meaningful and capture the beauty of walking with Christ, in a normal, non cheesey way.

I have digressed, so getting back to his book – if you can get a copy of this , do so! (it is available on kindle)

This book and the diary symbolise the essence of my hopes and dreams for this year … my prayer is that you and I will not only flourish but be a creative burst of beauty and growth and that we will honour our Creator with our talents.

I was very blessed this Christmas by my family. Knowing my love of film, photography and story telling, they bought me a shiny, new camera… so watch this space.. Plenty flourish and creativity coming your way;)

So, whether it be in your thinking, in your actions or your art work, be creative! Think outside the box and allow God room to flourish in your life!

“Creative work should not come out of who the external voices want you to be, or who you wish to be, but from who you are”


